Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Maketoys MTCM-04 GUARDIA Review - Greatness till the end ...

What a series it has been. Guardia is finally complete and again thanks to Victory Toys, for sending me Vulcan pre-release sample to me. I'm thankful and fortunate enough to have a look at Guardia ahead of time because the wait is extremely excruciating.
The wait is now over, and i'll say it out loud that Guardia is amazing.... 
As a matter of fact, i dont mind if you skip reading the review for Guardia and just buy the whole series directly because it is that good.

Maketoys MTCM-04C VULCAN Review

At long last, the last member of Guardia, MTCM-04C Vulcan is here. 
First and foremost, i would like to express my sincere gratitude the the fine people behind Victory Toys, for sending this Vulcan sample for me to take a look and to transform him (along with other 4 robots) as Guardia. 
Victory Toys is Maketoys representative and distributor for their product for Indonesia market. 
Apparently, Maketoys did send similar Vulcan sample to other country and territory as well for pre-release review and hands-on. I'm very fortunate and privileged to be able to get a hold on one of the sample. Shortly after this review i will be releasing another review, dedicated just for Guardia in combined form.
But for now, let's take a look at Vulcan.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Fans Project LER-04 SEVERO Review

Fans Project Lost Exo Realm is a stylized and modern interpretation of G1 dinobots team. It was announced back in 2014 and Fans Project had a plan for 6 dinobots members, with 5 of those members will be based on standard G1 dinobots and 1 original Fans Project character. Who knew that FP will continue this series and expanded the number of character more. 
To date, we already have LER-01 Columpio (Sludge), LER-02 Cubrar (Slag), LER-03 Volar (Swoop) and the recently released LER-04 Severo (Grimlock). This time we will be looking a deeper look at LER-04 Severo. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Maketoys MTCM-04E KATANA Review

Last robot before we wait for the big Vulcan is MTCM-04E Katana, who is based on Blades. Katana will form the right hand of Guardia. Maketoys opted to release Vulcan (MTCM-04C) as the last robot to be release, and i hope that Vulcan (as a torso) will be very solid, have a good connector joint and be able to support the other 4 limbs member when combined. 
Let's quickly look at Katana for now

Maketoys MTCM-04D HIMED Review

Let's not stop while we are on the roll and quickly look into the next release for Maketoys Guardia member. This time is the MTCM-04D Himed, which is based on First Aid character (part of Protectobots team)
With the great releases of the first 2 members: Axle and Rover, my expectations for this figure is already high enough.
Let's look at it in more detail

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Maketoys MTCM-04B ROVER Review

Next on the line is MTCM-04B Rover, 2nd member of Maketoys Guardia combiner (Not-Defensor). Maketoys has been on the roll and keep raising the bar for every releases. The Axle, that i previously reviewed here, was a testament to Maketoys's commitment to make the best product while maintaining the outstanding quality and enjoyment. Their price is usually on the high side. But with Maketoys, the money spent will be worth it.

Rover is based on Streetwise character, and it will form as one of the leg for Guardia.

Maketoys MTCM-04A AXLE Review

My first 3rd party toys that i bought was the great Maketoys Giant. My 3rd party toys has been growing steadily ever since that moment. Maketoys has their own combiner line, which is labeled as MTCombiner, and i'm just hoping that eventually, Maketoys will consider to release all of the combiners in the Transformers universe. They had completed the Giant (Not-Devastator), and Quantron (Not-Computron), and soon to be completed is their take and representation on Guardia (Not-Defensor). 

At this time, you are looking at the first member of Guardia, which is named as AXLE (based on Groove)

Thursday, May 19, 2016

TFC Hades H-04 Rhadamanthus Review

This is it guys, 4 robot, 2 more to go
This time we take a look of the 4th member of Hades which is TFC Rhadamanthus, based on Leozack character with its own lion-type breastforce.
Together with TFC H-03 Ceberus, this will form the torso of Hades and i can not stress out enough how important these 2 robots for any combiners toys. These 2 robots needs to have a solid build and strong connection in order to support all 6 members of Hades during combined mode.

TFC Hades H-03 Cerberus Review

This time, we will be looking at the 3rd robot of TFC Hades H-03 Cerberus, which is TFC interpretation of Jallguar, with its jaguar-form breastforce.
Part of the Hades (Liokaiser) combiner, H-03 Cerberus will form as the waist and thigh of Hades
I have reviewed the TFC H-01 Minos and TFC H-02 Thanatos before.

To me, the make or break of any combiner lies in how strong/solid the torso and waist would bewhen combined. If the torso and waist can hold the weight then we have a very good chance that the combined mode will be able to stand on its own.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

TFC Hades H-02 Thanatos Review

Let's continue with the 2nd robot of TFC Hades H-02 Thanatos, which is TFC interpretation of Killbison, with its bison-form type breastforce.
Part of the Hades (Liokaiser) combiner, H-02 Thanatos will form one of Hades's legs during combined mode. 
I have reviewed the TFC H-01 Minos previously, and as promise, i will continue throughout 5 remaining robots.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

TFC Hades H-01 Minos Review

I remember after i completed the TFC Ares combiner (based on Predaking), i was quite disappointed with the end result. However, at that time i had also ordered the TFC Prometheus (based on Defensor), and i thought to myself that TFC might lose the competition to other 3rd party companies if they don't improve their product. It turned out that their TFC Prometheus was better than Ares but still leave lots of room for improvement. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Maketoys MTRM-03 & 05 - Hellfire & Wrestle, Dynamic Duo

It was Summer 2014, when i went to Hong Kong for family vacation and i stumbled upon a fully stocked Transformers store in Mong Kok area. Back then, i had no clue whatsoever regarding Transformers Third Party product. As i walked and browsed around the store, the super kind store manager guided and recommended me to Maketoys Giant combiner product. I bought the MT Giant and i was hooked. It was the MT Giant that dragged me into 3rd party world until today.

Shield Liger Awakens ...

Back in 1980s, I remember that i got a brand new Zoids toys from Hong Kong. The toys was a state of the art back in those days. The Zoids toys needed minor construction and the toy can move using wind up mechanics (and some battery operated)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

A Humble Beginning ...

About 20+ years ago, neither did i had any privilege nor luxury for toys collection. I always had a soft spot for toys, model kits, construction kits, figures, etc. I remember back in those days, whenever there was new toys came up (i.e: Transformers, Gundam, Zoids, Lego, etc) i ended up spending some time in my friend's home who happened to have those new and shiny toys.