I remember after i completed the TFC Ares combiner (based on Predaking), i was quite disappointed with the end result. However, at that time i had also ordered the TFC Prometheus (based on Defensor), and i thought to myself that TFC might lose the competition to other 3rd party companies if they don't improve their product. It turned out that their TFC Prometheus was better than Ares but still leave lots of room for improvement.
Back in 2015, TFC made an announcement that they will be making 2 new combiners based on Liokaiser and Piranacon (2 combiners that i'm not familiar with). I was excited when hearing the news as i have a feeling that usually 3rd party companies will take a safe route and producing a well known combiners (i.e: Devastator, Bruticus, Menasor, Predaking, Defensor, etc).
So, the announcement of Liokaiser (TFC Hades) and Piranacon (TFC Poseidon) was music to my ear. TFC usually goes their own way and not following the current mainstream. While others commited to go to Devastator wars, Menasor wars, etc, TFC do the opposite and release the not so well known characters.
It is their style and ambition, and for that, as a collector, i'm delightful.
However, along with many others 3rd party collectors out there, we are face with a big question marks whether or not TFC will improve their product and whether the end result will be a good one.
That's why i try to review these products and give my own personal opinion so that any prospective buyers may have a few more informed decision before committing for buying the product (3rd party combiners is not cheap)
This time i will review the first robot of TFC Hades member, H-01 Minos, based on Hellbat chararcter (based on TF Victory)
Each of the TFC Hades members come with a sturdy packaging box, and the robot is kept securely inside regular styrofoam. It also come with the standard instruction manual and a bio card. The instruction manual is quite small for my taste and i ended up transforming the robot without the manual. Specific for TFC Minos, we also have a pair of combiner hands. We also received the breastforce figure inside the box. These breast-master figures will be different from one robot to the next. In the case of Minos, the breastforce is a bat form and it can be turn into a gun.
Just like any previous TFC releases, the material and the feel of the plastic is very good. I don't know much about Liokaiser, but the paint application on Minos is great. The paint break up is good and personally i like to stick the breastforce figures on the robot's chest. To me, as an individual robot, TFC robot is a very good robot and for most of the time i like their design and aesthetic.
TFC Minos transform into a jet (Rafale).
And here's during the transformation that i started to have one of my biggest complaints of the product. We have tolerance issue on this product, and there just not enough clearance for some part during the transformation. For example, the jet cockpit must be rotated 180 degree when transforming from Robot to alt mode, but there is just not enough clearance for you turn the part around. You could, carefully, turn it around but please be mindful and careful about paint scratching or worse, cracking the part.
Transformation on the leg is similar to what we have on the Hasbro combiner wars series. I like the alt-mode look, and to me the jet looks very sleek and modern. One minor thing, i also thought that the front landing gear is bad and it is something that the company should improve down the road.
As a combiner, Minos will form as on of the arms of Hades. Transformation to combined mode also hindered by clearance issue. But for most part, i think the combined mode will serve the purpose.
I like to mentioned also that the combiner port that TFC uses is still the same combiner ports that they used on all of their previous releases.
For most part, Minos articulation was good as it capable for a decent range of poses. I think there's no ratchet mechanism anywhere in the figure, so if you are looking for a ratchet mechanism in the leg or hands, than you may be out of luck.
My Thoughts
Personally, i think Minos is still the same (just different character) like any previous TFC releases in terms of material, articulation, color, design, etc. As i played and reviewed Minos, i was having a hard time trying to identify any improvement apart from a new character design and fresh take of the character. The joint may be improved slightly, but it is still the same joint that we used to know and experienced before.
Should you committed to this combiner? i think the answer should goes back to your preference. There's not a lot of companies wanting to do the same like TFC, and it may take time (don't know how long) before any companies wanted to produce this character.
I'm committed to TFC Hades because of what it represent as Liokaiser, and i wanted to complete my combiners on my shelves. Additionally, to have some new combiners other than Devastator, Menasor, etc is a brand new excitement for me and gave enough reason for a purchase
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